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Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Sanjit An Olympus Inspiration

Sanjitpaal Singh is an amazing wildlife photographer, who strongly supports Olympus Four Thirds and Micro Four Thirds system. I first saw him giving a talk live on stage at Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival in 2008, sharing tips on shooting wildlife, and I was blown away by his images taken with Olympus DSLR system (with that crazy amazing 300mm F2.8 lens). He left a very strong impression in me and made me believe in Olympus, and love the system even more. He showed me how capable the Olympus Four Thirds system can be, and I was merely scratching the surface of what I could do with my then Olympus DSLR E-520 and kit lenses, and motivated me to explore further and improve more and more. Sanjit has always been a local idol for many Olympus photographers in Malaysia, and I still see him that way even today. 

I had a Godsent chance to work alongside Sanjit during my OM-D E-M5 review series, where he took care of the video review part, shooting me in action for all my review activities. Working closely with him I was amazed even more by his endless creative ideas overflowing from his artistic mind. and I got to witness first hand his dedication and passion toward the craft. He is not just a great photographer, he is willing to go the distance, dare to dream big and push beyond the limits. I was moved by his unfallable discipline and sacrifice he was willing to make to accomplish his creative goals. No wonder, he is a multiple winners of many prestigious international photography awards, which includes last years IPA Award. I was blessed to have known Sanjit, and be touched by his photography work and passion. 

Earlier this evening, Sanjit was giving a talk at Peter Tans Behind the Lens session, and it somehow reminded me of the first time I saw Sanjit on stage. That reminder has made me reflect on how far i have come ever since that first year I have got my first Olympus DSLR, all the incredible adventures I have gone through, the beautiful people I have met and the wonderful experience I have had while shooting as well as all my activities here blogging. Surely I have come a long way, and I have a lot to thank Sanjit for. 

I did not have a camera with me, so I have to make do with my phone camera for shots with Sanjit. I thought, after all the reflection and nostalgic reminders, a photograph with an important local Olympus hero has become a necessity!

Please check out Sanjits work at the following links:
and also here:

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