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Selasa, 11 Februari 2014

Mongo dba week 7 security backups

Additional Resources (2.5 min)

  • Docs -
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  • Bug database / feature request database [JIRA]
  • Support forums (in Google Groups) - mongodb-user
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  • Source code on github
  • Blog
  • Twitter (@mongodb)
  • Mongo Meetup Groups (MMUGs) - look on

Hardware Tips (7.5 min)

Additional Features (4.5 min)

Geospatial Indexes (5 min)

latitude and longitude things
built on top of b-tree structures
uses variation of geo-hash codes

Data Recovery with MMS (4 min)

Quiz: Data Recovery with MMS Backup

You rack up $3.50 in MMS charges from a small backup restoration. What are your out-of-pocket costs?

Installing MMS Backup (3.5 min)

Introduction to MMS Backup ( min)

Backup Strategies (3 min)

Quiz: Backup Strategies

Which are true statements?

Backups (12 min)

Intra-cluster Security (4 min)

Security and Clients (6.5 min)

--auth : runs it in a security mode.
to authenticate:
NOTE: users are added per-database
db.addUser(...) - system.users (which is used to create credentials in mongodb)
db.addUser( { user: "", pwd: "", roles: [] } ) - 2.4+
db.auth(username,password) - to authenticate in the shell
Types of users:
admin users - created in the admin database.  has privileges across all databases
regular users - access a specific database, read/write or read only.

Start by adding an administrative user:
> use admin
switched to db admin
> db.addUser("the_admin", "testpassword" )
"user" : "the_admin",
"readOnly" : false,
"pwd" : "8b7c802b3626405fd30fa921fcf41cf9",
"_id" : ObjectId("52851114c2e7840b9b05b49f")

> db
> show collections
> db.system.users.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("52851114c2e7840b9b05b49f"), "user" : "the_admin", "readOnly" : false, "pwd" : "8b7c802b3626405fd30fa921fcf41cf9" }

passwords are hashed (not stored in plain text [i.e. a message digest])

Once the admin user has been added to the admin database, the rule that you can connect from the localhost no longer applies.  Meaning that we will have to authenticate or it wont let us in (even if we are on localhost).
> show dbs
Thu Nov 14 11:07:59.449 JavaScript execution failed: listDatabases failed:{ "ok" : 0, "errmsg" : "unauthorized" } at src/mongo/shell/mongo.js:L46
> // now we authenticate to do useful things
> db.auth("the_admin", "testpassword" )
> show dbs
admin 0.0625GB
local 0.03125GB

test (empty)

Quiz: Security and Clients

Which are true?

Security (5 min)

Introduction ( min)

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